Day 4: The Plagues and the Exodus
We saw how the Lord watched over the Israelites and used Moses to bring his people out of slavery.
The events discussed during the week provide a mighty display of God’s power. But God’s strength is seen in more than just God delivering people from slavery. He delivered us from slavery to sin, death, and hell. Even greater than parting the waters of the sea for the Israelites, God has removed the barrier that existed between sinners and a holy God. In Jesus, we see that the Lord is our salvation in the greatest possible way, in a way that changes our whole eternity. That truth gives us strength to bear all sorts of trials in this life. That truth becomes a song of joy in our hearts that can be seen and heard in all we think, say, and do.
These are some of the activities we enjoyed on Day 4!
All the kids made pictures of crossing the Red Sea by using paints (youngest kids) and Mod-Podge and tissue paper (middle and older kids). These projects reminded us of how God led the Israelites out of Egypt and saved them from the Egyptian army.
We enjoyed relay races like “Ready to Travel” and “Chariot Race,” and we also played “Moses Says” (like Simon Says). The youngest kids also had fun with building blocks.
The kids sampled some Passover-like foods. They then made “unleavened bread” out of Play-Dough and created waves of the Red Sea with shaving cream before splitting them and making a path down the middle.
The week's events ended with a program where the children sang songs and told parents and guests about all they had learned!