Day 1: Joseph Sold into Slavery
We learned about a young man named Joseph. He was the favorite son of his father, but his jealous brothers sold him into slavery. Despite such terrible treatment, Joseph knew that he could still trust the Lord.
Our children can face all sorts of difficult situations at home and in school. God wants us to know that even when terrible things are happening to us, he is still there for us. He encourages us to call out to him in time of need and trust his love and care for us.
One of the best ways we can teach our children this is to model it for them. They will see you going through difficult times. They can probably sense when you are troubled even when you are trying to hide it. Those are great teachable moments. Let them see you asking God for help and trusting that he will care for you… even if it’s not always the way you think it should work out.
These are some of the activities we enjoyed on Day 1!
The youngest and middle kids made mixed media coats of many colors with paints and tissue paper. The big kids made coat of many colors key chains. These projects reminded us of the coat that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
We enjoyed “Brother, Brother, Joseph” (like Duck, Duck, Goose), “The Long Road to Egypt” obstacle course, and “Coat of Many Colors“ relay race. The youngest children also loved the water play station!
The younger and middle age groups enjoyed hands-on stations, one of which allowed them to experiment with using markers and water to create a “tie-dye” effect on coffee filters. The oldest kids tie-dyed bandanas.